Perhaps I was wrong. I doubt it.

So this weekend was the first time I was glad to have a Facebook account. Someone invited me to be their Facebook pal over a year ago and I have never really used it except to accept friend requests so as not to be rude to people with whom I have enjoyed real relationships of over the years. But from the hospital on Thanksgiving day the experience of scrolling past Thanksgiving greetings and vignettes from people I have known over the last several decades was genuinely a blessing. So perhaps Facebook isn't so bad after all. Though grouchy Luddite that I am it has taken my a while to come 'round.

So today it occurs to me that if I was wrong about Facebook, perhaps I've been wrong about blogging as well. I have always resisted blogging thinking that unless I had something really worth writing about, I ought not clutter the world with yet more useless information. Since I have rarely found time to think or write about anything of much significance I've stayed away from blogger and the like. But my Thanksgiving from Mercy Hospital experience makes me wonder. What if I wrote my Dad or brothers Ben and Jeremy a quick note each day. What if I shared a photo or funny family story with my Mother once in a while. Would it be so bad?  We might actually begin swapping stories with more regularity. That would be good.

So here goes. I am not committing to anything, but I'll give it a try.
